Jason D Fodeman

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One Doctor in Connecticut has been vocal on his opinion of the ACA and has publicly spoken out on air and through articles. Jason D. Fodeman, M.D., is an Internal Medicine Resident at the University of Connecticut and a Visiting Fellow at the Galen Institute. He is also the author of the critically acclaimed book How to Destroy a Village. Dr. Fodeman goes into great detail of how the 2,800 pages of ACA mandates affect him, as well as other providers and how the care given now is limited to insurance codes that dictate the time and diagnosis a provider will give a patient. Dr. Fodeman summarizes his thoughts in a paragraph. “The PPACA’s detriment to physicians is extensive. It will drown doctors in red tape and bureaucracy. It will limit physician autonomy and their ability to help and advocate for their patients. …show more content…

As federal regulators require physicians to do more, they will actually get paid less. As the situation worsens, older doctors will retire and younger doctors will look to switch careers. This will come at a time when the demand for physician services will be higher than ever. Ultimately the consequences of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will translate into restricted access and inferior quality of care. No matter how you look at it, this legislation is terrible for physicians; however, it is always the patient that suffers the most.” Jason D. Fodeman,

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