The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Maybe this is what needs to happen, or maybe it would lead to a cold war of sorts between the groups, with both sides just passive-aggressively snubbing one another, in the same fashion that the popular girls do when someone ironically wears the same top as them. *Pause for dramatic eyerolling* Abortion alternatives are already in place, but they typically leave something to be desired and can be inaccessible to many people. Additionally, making the choice to have an abortion is not easy for a woman, or for a couple, and the failure to provide adequate information about all the choices present doesn’t make that choice any easier. Pro-lifers shaming women as they walk into clinics, that could potentially provide them with the information to …show more content…

In reality, it will only drive them further into the arms of conglomerates, such as Planned Parenthood. Who have, time and time again, proved their concern for the bottom line over the health and general welfare of the women and communities they claim to serve. Abortion alternatives are not being sought after because globally there is a general lack of education and knowledge about sexual reproduction and family planning, and when these issues are resolved abortion can finally be laid to rest as an unnecessary and needless method.
High schools are teaching abstinence in place of safety, while networks, such as MTV, sensationalize teen pregnancy. How confusing is the world for a teenager as it is, without also being pulled in different directions over a potentially life changing topic? High schools can serve as the perfect gateway to get information out to young adults where, “in the United States, 46 percent of all high school age students, and 62 percent of high school seniors, have had sexual intercourse; almost nine million teens have already had sex” (Conklin). These numbers are astronomical in comparison to lackluster programs that tell hormone fueled young women and men not to have sex in place of teaching them