The Pros And Cons Of Adolf Hitler

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Investigation: Adolf Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany through what have been called the most horrible Genocide in all Human history. Hitler was appointed as Chancellor on 30 January 1933. During this time, he put together a series of policies, attacks, crimes against humanity, and a World War that would change the way the world thinks about things forever. He was a very firm believer in a dictatorship and hated even the thought of a democracy, he executed anyone that had differing opinions from him. He was responsible for the murder of 6 million plus Jews during the time of January 1933-May 1945. Hitler and the Nazi's are one of the many reasons why some international laws are in place to this day. This paper will be arguing that long …show more content…

One being it boosted the U.S. economy out of the great depression. Since the war weakened French and British holds on many countries it gave the countries being imperialized freedom and a chance to rule themselves. The struggle for national independence of non-European nations were greatly enhanced and stimulated by the war. There were many innovative technologies developed during the war to fight disease, and when applied to the non-European world resulted in lower mortality rates and soaring population growth. There was also many weaponry advances made during the war. The English developed radar which could detect other ships and aircrafts or even missiles in the sea or sky. Progress in electronics and computers such as faster and more effective models were made during the war, they provided a foundation for further development which fundamentally transformed the postwar world. The development of the atomic bomb by American scientists during the war, transformed the nature of potential future wars, and marked the beginning of the nuclear power industry. The Nazi regime had appeared to pose an unprecedented threat to the human civilization and gave a need to rejuvenate Woodrow Wilson's vision of an international organization to keep the peace. In June 1945, approximately 51 nations were represented at the founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco, California. In October 1945, the United Nations was officially established. Unlike the League of Nations, the UN had the full support and leadership of the U.S. The Soviet Union, Britain, France, and all other major nations of the world were members. In 1944, representatives of the major economic powers met to create an International Monetary Fund and to agree upon a regime of international tariff regulation. The world community was thought to be entering a new era of international cooperation and