How Did Adolf Hitler Impact The World

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He built an empire from the ashes of an old one. Adolf Hitler a man of mixed ambition, doing works of greatness and horridness. Hitler was a man of get work done and doing it efficiently as described in his autobiography “Mein Kampf” This empire would be known for acts of cruelty, violence and terribleness. Hitler 's legacy would help the german people bring new standards of living and scientific advancement to the world. Yet, This hatred of Adolf Hitler and his empire for what they did, cover the small nevertheless brilliant candle light of good. Adolf Hitler 's life is mixture of highs and lows. Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 as illegitimate child of Austrian-German dissent. He was the 4th of 6 children and showed leadership and intelligence at a young age. After the death of his brother, he became a hermit and trouble to his parents and teachers. Hitler hated his father and this formed into German nationalism due to his father being an Austrian official. Hitler joined the German military during the first world war and beginning a role into the German political system. He lead an unsuccessful coup of on the german government and was placed in prison for year were he wrote “Mein Kampf”. After his imprisonment he created the Nazi party and during the worst years of the depression he was chancellor due to …show more content…

Hitler 's impact of society and the world is known by nearly everybody in the world. Hitler 's impact of German society is also very massive. In the quote “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed” It shows how the discrimination of minorities due to them being inferior is a false premise. Yet, this power generated from it can be redirected to accomplish other things. This discrimination was used to drive Naz society. Hitler 's legacy left a scar on the world showing how wrong it was shed differences and from conformality. German society was affected to always to bear the name and horrors of Adolf Hitler and the

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