Adolf Hitler's Accomplishments

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There are some people in the world who leave a positive impact, and make the world a better place to live, but not this man; Adolf Hitler. Hitler is responsible for the mass murder of millions of innocent people throughout Europe from 1933- 1944. Adolf Hitler’s life, work and legacy remain today as a frightening reminder to fight against prejudice, racism, anti-Semitism and bigotry. Hitler’s life is very difficult to understand, all of his ideas’ his “humor”, and his death are hard to understand fully. His ideas were almost never good, he thought that Germans needed more space. Through this he +started a horrible plan which turned into the tragic Holocaust. He broke a treaty of Versailles by moving his troops into restricted area in 1936, with this Hitler achieved a good portion of his goals of “taking over”.He always had some humor in him, even during his time of killing millions of innocent people. He is very evil, and thought it was a “better way of killing” when the concentration camps ideas came up. Hitler’s death is possibly the best thing he has done for other people, he killed himself along with his wife of two days before and dog before World War 2 ended. He was born April 20, 1889 and passed on April 30, …show more content…

Some of the awards he got were; “The Man of the Year” in 1938, a bravery award and a wounded badge. For his “leadership” he was given the opportunity to be the seventh party member of the DAP (later known as NSDAP). With his leadership he was one of the many groups that tried to take total control over everything after his loss in World War 1, which is when he received his high ranking. While in grade-school he was very smart but after his parents passed he struggled more with school which eventually lead to him dropping out of high-school. Later on Hitler tried to apply for art school at Vienna Art Academy but got rejected