The Pros And Cons Of Being America

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oday is a tumultuous time to live in America. It seems as if every day there is a new natural disaster, riot, call for violence, political scandal, or cultural disgrace. Politics have become increasingly polarized and the gap is still growing. We cannot even agree on the most basic aspects of being American, like standing for our national anthem. So, you might say, what is the solution? What is within our reach for the future? The answer is not simple, but it is possible. We must learn to put aside our differences- and not accentuate them, stop calling for or participating in violence, and learn again to enjoy and bond over common interests. Holding differing opinions is a part of life. We most certainly are not required to agree on political policy or action in order to mend the increasing divide. However we must agree on one simple concept; even though we may differ on an issue, we should still treat each other with respect and dignity. Stop the character attacks and pathetic name-calling, and instead, discuss real issues. Starting productive debate is one of the first steps to becoming closer as a country and we must begin immediately. From aggressive Alt-Right white supremacist rallies in …show more content…

The infusion of politics into almost every aspect of life has destroyed friendships, weakened families, and created rifts in our community. We should be able to sit down to enjoy a movie, sports event, or celebrity awards ceremony without being bombarded with political propaganda. If we are able to separate government and entertainment we will significantly reduce the amount of political tension felt throughout everyday life, and further unite ourselves as Americans. Nevertheless, we must first do our part as individuals to put aside our political views for a short time in order to enjoy each other’s