Low Employment Rates Of Minority Groups Essay

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Every day, children, teenagers, and adults are grousing about how life is so hard and if they don’t get enough likes on their Instagram photo, they aren’t good pretty or handsome enough. People are so infused with their life that they don't stop for a second to think about real-world problems. Racial profiling, low employment rates, increased taxes, and a lack of desire to good for yourself are the obstacles of today’s nation, and it’s time to unite as a whole and make a difference. Minority groups are at an all-time low for employment rates and are misjudged every day based on skin color, family, wealth, and heritage. If we are able to overcome this issue then how would we go about this and what would be the result.
Low employment rates of minority groups have been a pressing issue for decades and it is ongoingly increasing. BLS Reports explains, “In 2015, the overall unemployment rate for the United States was 5.3 percent; however, the rate varied across race and ethnicity groups. The rates were highest for American Indians and Alaska Natives (9.9 percent) and for Blacks (9.6 percent) and lowest for Asians (3.8 percent)”. The reason that we need to resolve the problem of employment is that when people don’t work, taxes increase- nobody wants to pay more in taxes. A …show more content…

BLS Reports also states, “ By race, Whites made up the majority of the labor force (79 percent)”. When minorities don’t work, taxes rise and more people are needed for jobs. If we were to fill up the empty jobs with people who are supported by welfare, we could stabilize the economy to a point where taxes would be low enough that consumer spending increases, keeping people working. Sooner or later, the market is going to crash, which is why it is imperative to give as many people jobs as