Essay On Alaska Constitution

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In Alaska's modern generation, there are many pressing issues that have occurred in the past and have therefore been implemented in the Alaska Constitution. A pressing issue in Alaska is racial discrimination. Relating back to before the constitution and a little after it, cases of human rights being taken away from those who are colored or look different.
In the Alaska Constitution, Article 1, section 3, it says, “This constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry; that all persons are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protection under the law; and that all persons have corresponding obligations to the people and to the State.” This relates back in that all people have the right to live how they please as long as they know the consequences, “... all persons are equal and entitled to equal rights, …show more content…

Although the staff doesn't do this to the extent where everyone knows or its a known fact, racial discrimination still occurs among peers. The ADN has done their best to take action and wrote an article on the racism in Alaska and how its now taking over on social media as well, “Racism in Alaska is manifesting itself through social media and news outlets statewide. Racism and bigotry exist in our schools, in businesses, in churches, in law enforcement, and in all Alaskans, Native or not,” (Huntington, Eric. “Racism Alive and Well on the Last Frontier.” Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage Daily News, 9 May 2014). I can foresee that racial discrimination will never end, yet there are simple ways for preventing it from spreading and becoming a bigger issue throughout

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