You’re probably thinking, “Wow! Bullying seems so horrible. What’s being done to prevent it?” Well, there are many different ways people are trying to prevent bullying. There are organizations created to prevent bullying, individual teen activists leading the charge against bullying, and state and schoolwide efforts to prevent bullying.
There are many organizations created to prevent bullying, such as Beyond Differences, which is a national nonprofit group with a mission to help all kids feel valued and accepted. Beyond Differences created a program called No One Eats Alone where students sit with other randomly selected kids and try to get to know each other in hopes that no one would feel left out. Laura Talmus started Beyond Differences.
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“Now, 49 states require schools to have anti-bullying programs.” states and article titled “Stopping school bullying with orange T-shirts and a music video” (Chicago Tribune, adapted by Newsela staff on 09.20.13). State laws requiring schools to have anti-bullying programs prevents bullying because it stops schools from ignoring how big of an issue bullying is and promotes anti-bullying programs. Some schools have tried things to bring students together to stop bullying. The article mentioned above, showed one way it united students against bullying. Rogers Middle School students created a music video teaching respect. Ronan Schuelke (11) was bullied in the cafeteria, and is now the star of the music video, which is a take-off of a Katy Perry song. The rest of the school’s students were to watch the music video, and then Ronan and student leaders like him were going to reward students for being kind or standing up to bullying. The reward: “Stallion Medallions,” which can be used to purchase school supplies and tickets to plays. Although many like the idea, some criticize it. They say that rewarding kids for being kind or standing up to someone isn’t the right way to promote kindness. They say that once the reward ends, students may stop being kind because there is no big reward. But still, this can prevent bullying because it promotes being kind and standing up to