The Pros And Cons Of Burning The Flag

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Jackson Rice
Mrs. Mininni
English III Honors
April 28th, 2023

The legality of burning the flag is not a debated subject, but the question of should it be legal is. Burning the flag is protected under the First Amendment; however, a recent poll shows that a majority of U.S citizens disagree. Burning the flag in a form of protest should not be legal because the flag is a symbol of the country, honoring the flag demonstrates loyalty to the country, and the flag honors the sacrifice that soldiers have paid for this country. The flag is a symbol of the country. It represents the freedom and union of America: “The U.S. flag is considered such a sacred symbol that burning it in an undignified manner constitutes desecration”(How to properly dispose …show more content…

Like stated before, the flag is a symbol of the country. When someone honors or respects the flag in any way, whether that be the Pledge of Allegiance or just simply keeping the flag clean, this honors the country. This shows a great deal of loyalty, showing that these people will stand beside America: “Treason, the crime of betraying a nation or sovereign”(Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, April 17). Treason. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from ). When someone commits treason he is betraying his nation, in this case the United States of America. Make no mistake, burning the flag is disrespecting America. When people burn the American flag, they are protesting against America, and are betraying their country. According to definition, this is treason. The military represents loyalty to their country and they created the requirements of proper treatment of the flag. Intentionally going against the protocols and rules they made for the American flag is a protest to the military. Because the military swear their lives to protect us from foreign harm or attacks, they represent the very idea of loyalty to America. A person has no excuse to say that he can burn the flag of his country and simultaneously be loyal to …show more content…

Not only does the flag represent this country and its freedom, but it also is a symbol of the military and their brave actions to protect this country. Not many can say that they gave their life to benefit the well-being of America. The ones who can, even though they are dead, are very proud to be able to say that. Even though it cost them their lives, they know their country appreciates what they did and that the citizens will live better because of it. People dishonor all of that the moment they intentionally set flame to the flag, to what these brave soldiers fought for. The military themselves do not let members burn the flag for this exact reason: “Any member of the military that disrespects the flag in any way will face disciplinary actions”(Legal Information Institute. (n.d.). 18 U.S. Code § 700 - desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties. Legal Information Institute. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from They understand that even if it is considered protected under freedom of speech, any citizen or member of the military still should definitely not burn the flag. However, even though some disagree with whether or not it should be legal, it is legal. Back in 1989 a certain person by the name of Gregory Johnson burned the American flag in protest while he lived in Texas. Texas had a law against burning the flag, and they were going to punish