The Pros And Cons Of Campus Carry

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Campus carry, a new law which has made it legal for people 21 and older to possess guns on a campus setting and in classrooms, has been a controversial legislative movement. Though it has passed, many students and college staff criticize it as simply a tool for more violence to occur on college campuses, and that people as young as college students are not predictable or responsible enough for this kind of privilege. Altercations between students, students that snap under the intense pressure of doing well in university, and people that are simply mentally ill are all vulnerable to this new law and the introduction of more deadly weapons. Proponents of this new law argue that more people legally carrying firearms and with the sufficient training …show more content…

This could be because of the younger crowd in the smaller campuses, and simply the nature of their size. It is also likely that major universities will serve to be a proof of concept that this law was not a mistake. In all reality, this law exists in other states and will likely not drastically change daily life for a university/college student, but many people still do not feel comfortable with the inherent risk. In many large Texas universities, close to 100% of the staff disagrees with the new law and there have even been people resigning in search of a teaching position in a state where this law does not exist and could not pass, such as the Dean of Architecture at the University of Texas in Austin. Some universities have even instructed professors to not discuss more sensitive subjects in lectures out of fear that it may provoke someone carrying a firearm. Although it is fairly unlikely a student will actually carry a gun into campus on a daily basis due to the controversy and obvious unease of many people, the fear is still real and has affected policy and how universities will conduct themselves, such as limiting their ability to talk freely in what is supposed to be a space where people can discuss ideas of any