The Pros And Cons Of College Tuition-Free College

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College Tuition Essay Free college tuition has been a popular topic that everyone has discussed and is still a topic talked about today. Many people agree with the idea of making colleges across the United States free, because it gives people way more opportunities who want to succeed in life. Therefore, key policy makers should consider the idea of making this idea a reality. The majority of students could also agree that college is way too expensive, especially for those who can't afford it. If key policy makers played well and fair, they would make college free, making everyone's life easier and stress-free. This idea would give students a variety of opportunities. In the article, Why Tuition-Free College Makes Sense, author …show more content…

Why can't college be free? Free college would further every student's education that graduated and completed high school and would give opportunities to those who wish to be successful in the long run. Another article, Pros and Cons of Tuition-Free College, Ellen Andersen claims, “Students might have more freedom to choose a major they enjoy.” This would give students a large variety of opportunities. Without having to waste money if they decide to change their major, that way they can choose a major they are most interested in and succeed, because it is known that most people change their major a few times before actually sticking to one. Author J. Juliet states in her article, Benefits of Free education, “Providing free education would enable students to concentrate on learning and gaining more through the education.” Those who are constantly stressed out might have a chance of becoming overwhelmed with the college tuition costs, that will eventually prevent the student from focusing on school work. This domino …show more content…

They think that such an idea is too expensive, because someone has to pay for college, in this case unhappy taxpayers. Free college to them is also pointless to make a reality. In their perspective, free college could possibly harm the economy. Their claim is that if those who desire to go to college, but they are low-income, will receive a Pell Grants or scholarships to help them pay for college anyway, therefore they will have no problems. Making free college pointless, if low-income students get help, the rest of them can afford their own education. On the contrary, online sources say that “the average cost of tuition at a public university rose by 4.8 percent.” Everyone who desires to attend college, low-income or not, should have equal opportunities to go to college for free so they can save up their money for personal needs. Opponents are also saying that it would be incredibly unfair to those who have already worked hard to put themselves through college without parental or other outside assistance and would now have to pay even higher taxes. But once they realize that this could help their kids in the future and give everybody opportunities to go to college and get jobs, they will become selfless and agree that free college has many advantages for many people, they need to