Social Theory: A Sociological Analysis

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Social theory views criminality as a part of people's interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society; if maintain wrongful relationships. The past, present and the future are clearly motivated the norms. How people are taught and what best meets them as one see fit. It could be family, sports, private instructors, friends and society as all of each individual encounter them every day without realizing it. This could signify that there is no way out of being different. Most people want that feeling of friends, important, and being noticed by others. As the little things of crime can contribute up to someone's life experience. They choose to become a criminal or avoid it at all cost in their lives. In fact, most …show more content…

In fact, "when they differentiate associate with others who commit criminal behavior and espouse definitions favorable to it"( Child. Gov, p1). Today, if the person is cool or pressured to do something to be in the group that they want to hang out with. The individual would perform something out of the ordinary to be accepted into the group or try to get noticed. For instance,"Individuals with low self-control do not tend to make good friends. They are unreliable, untrustworthy, selfish, and uncaring. They may, however, be fun to be with"(Child. Gov, p1). Exactly like those in countries that have kids in the war with a gun like Africa and Iraq, that make kids into a weapon for the military bandits. In these countries and continent kids are learning to be little soldiers as the only option by beliefs. Finally, "Imitation is the oldest social learning theory, and derives from the work of the trade. A crime begins as fashion and later becomes a custom to the individual" (drtomoconner. Org, p1). When one likes a group as today, which is called change in the society that can have pressure on the individual. When this pressure becomes more it will affect him to be accepted for the group he chooses to be with. The action is what comes next in defining the learning pressure process in …show more content…

First, "Once someone has been successfully labelled as criminal or deviant, the label attached may become the dominant label or 'master status' which is seen as more important than all the other aspects of the person" (,p1). Today, and not too long ago people have viewed terrorist people that look Muslim as wrong in every way as bad even if a citizen in America. People don't care, it's better to be safe then sorry it The term used by some people. Second, "labelling can also mold the way someone behaves in their lives, especially if they cannot shake off that label" (,p1). Today, others praise people as good and wrong by the second, they don't care whether one is good or bad. Once one individual does wrong citizens are always watched and none of the people trust them. Finally, officer Gorham said, "that it's a thinking game to society, when actually they are good people inside" (speaker). The people don't care as long as they aren't with my kids or by me. People judge the minute they see wrong for the first time by someone they know or a random person they never met. Knowing the difference and the similarities when one is trapped in their own concepts of