The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Stalking

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a. Cyber Stalking When Internet messaging service or any other electronic means is used to stalk someone then it is termed as cyber stalking. Cyber stalkers usually follow the victims online activities. They gather information, initiate contacts and make threats by following the victim’s online activities. Cyber stalkers target victim’s by using bulletin boards, chat rooms, Spam and online forums. Cyber stalking situations can be extend to physical stalking and the victim may experience abusive phone calls, threatening mails, obscene mails and physical assault.
b. Cyber Pornography This offence includes pornographic websites, pornographic magazines produced using computers and the channel used to transmit and download these materials. The …show more content…

Unauthorized Access When access to any property is restricted to an authorized person only then it is termed as access control. Therefore, when any person access to any computer without permission of authorized person then it is called unauthorized access. Packet Sniffing, Tempest attack, Password cracking and buffer overflow are the common techniques.
d. Hacking It is one of the most popular cyber crimes. No computer system in the world is secure from the threat of hacking. Any and every system is vulnerable to hacking in the world. Under Section 66 of IT Act, hacking is defined as “Whoever with the intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person destroys or deletes or alters any information residing in a computer resource or diminishes its value or utility or affect it injuriously by any means, commits hacking”.
e. Data Didling This kind of an attack involves altering raw data just before it is processed by a computer and then changing it back after the processing is completed.
f. Email …show more content…

Logic Bombs It is an event dependent programme, as soon as the designated event occurs, it crashes the computer, release a virus or any other harmful possibilities.
i. Web Jacking Hackers gain access and control over the website of another, even they change the content of website for fulfilling political objective or for money.
A case of web jacking is the ‘gold fish’ case. In this case the site was hacked and the information pertaining to gold fish was changed. Further a ransom of US $ 1 million was demanded as ransom. Thus, web jacking is a process whereby control over the site of another is made backed by some consideration for it.
j. Cyber Terrorism Cyber terrorism is different from cyber crime in many aspects. Cyber crime is a domestic issue, which may sometimes have some international consequences whereas cyber terrorism is certainly of a global concern. It includes both domestic as well as international consequences. The terrorist attacks on the Internet are by hate e-mails, denials of service attacks, attacks on sensitive computer networks etc. the recent examples are of Osama Bin Laden, the LTTE, attack on America’s army development system during Iraq war etc.
k. Trojan

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