The Pros And Cons Of Decriminalization Of Child Prostitution

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“The pursuit of sex has consistently been one of the key reasons why people travel around the world” (Spencer & Bean, 2016), enabling sex tourism as an industry to boom. Human rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person, therefore, one has human rights simply because one is human (Lovelock & Lovelock, 2013). The issues surrounding the sex tourism industry and human rights are heavily intertwined, as they can be used to exemplify the extreme deviance from societal norms. Like all things, the sex tourism industry has a scale of ethical deviance with voluntary prostitution at one end and human trafficking and child prostitution at the other.

Disrespect for human rights can be seen in all corners of the world, and “human rights violations continue to be the norm rather than the exception” (Lovelock et al., 2013). These violations can be illustrated through the prominence of human trafficking and child …show more content…

The regulation of the sex tourism industry was a topic widely accepted by everyone in the discussion board. However, as everyone discovered there is no golden answer. Toni Mac, during her Ted talk “The laws that sex workers really want”, discussed the positives and negatives associated with each of the different forms of legalization and found decriminalization to be the most effective. “Decriminalization means the removal of laws that punitively target the sex industry, instead treating sex work much like any other kind of work” (Mac, 2016). This however puts the responsibility of sexual health checks on the individuals and in places like Thailand where the majority of sex workers are impoverish, they do not have the ability to pay for regular checks. Decriminalizing the sex industry will help to improve human rights of those who involved however doesn’t have any way of controlling the spread of sexual transmitting