The Pros And Cons Of Dioxins

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Dioxins are primarily by-products or residues from thermal industrial processes
(combustion) that involve chlorine, but they can also occur during natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions or forest fires. They are undesirable byproducts in a large number of manufacturing processes, such as melting, chlorine bleaching of pulp, and the production of certain herbicides and pesticides.
In terms of emissions, it is considered that most of the dioxin released into the environment comes from uncontrolled waste incinerators (solid waste and hospital waste), which are the biggest culprits, with incomplete combustion.
There are also large stocks of used industrial oils throughout the world whose longterm preservation and elimination of these materials …show more content…

Although dioxins are produced locally, they spread throughout the world. They have been found throughout the world and in virtually every environment.
The highest concentrations in some soils, sediments and foods are observed, particularly dairy products, meat, fish and crustaceans because of their solubility in both animal and vegetable fats. On the other hand, concentrations are very low in plants, in water and in air.
There is therefore a tendency for dioxins to bioaccumulate in the food chain. The higher the end of the chain, the higher the dioxin concentration. C which allows us to conclude that the beings most affected by its dioxins are humans since Humanity is at the top of the food chain. Exposure :
Because of the pervasiveness of dioxins, all human beings are confronted with a background exposure that should not have any effect on health. Nevertheless, due to their high toxic potential, efforts must be made to reduce the current levels of background exposure.
Indeed, more than 90% of the human exposure goes through food, the diet is therefore the …show more content…

The most notable is, in
2004, that of Viktor Yushchenko, president of Ukraine disfigured by a chloracne.
Prevention and control of exposure to dioxin :
Since humans are mainly exposed to dioxins by their diet, health checks are carried out on food to ensure that they are not contaminated. Many national authorities have programs in place to monitor the food supply.
Reducing dioxin exposure is an important goal for public health and for sustainable development. In order to provide guidance on acceptable levels of exposure, WHO organized a series of expert meetings to determine the tolerable levels of dioxins to which humans may be exposed throughout their lives without harmful effects.
In 2001, the Joint FAO / WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) carried out a comprehensive updated risk assessment for PCDDs, PCDFs and "dioxin-like" PCBs. In order to evaluate long-term and short-term risks, the total or average absorption must be evaluated for several months and the tolerable dose will be evaluated over a period of at least one month. The experts established a temporary tolerable monthly dose (DMTP) of 70 picograms / kg per month. It is the amount of dioxins that can be ingested for a lifetime