The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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In November of 2016, a new President was elected. It was a choice between two horrid options for President, and the lesser of the two evils was chosen. President Donald Trump has been in service for 1 year and 1 month, and so far, it hasn’t been too bad. But, a whole lot of left-leaning people have been declaring him a terrible President, even comparing him to Hitler. But why do they compare him to one of the most hated people today? Instead of destroying American life, Trump has been able to help it, and the evidence is there to prove it. Trump has created 1.7 million jobs, reducing the unemployment rate from 4.8% to 4.3%. You may say .5% isn’t much, but given the US population, that is 1,615,500 newly employed people. With the current economic boom in the stock market, it seems as if there is no limit. There is one downside to Trump though, and that is his loud mouth. With him tweeting on Twitter before even talking to his staff, who knows what kind of critical information could be spilled. Maybe one of his secretaries should be obligated to proofread every tweet he sends out, preventing a national crisis. …show more content…

The wall has been estimated to cost 70 billion, and 150 million a year to maintain. The wall is a definitely a stretch of a solution, since most crossings involve hiding somewhere in vehicles. Possibly instead of investing money into a large, multi-billion dollar wall, we should invest in some high-powered x-ray machines along the border. Then we would be able to detect human skeletons, and I’m positive it will be cheaper than a wall. But when it comes to legal immigrants, there should be no kind of ban on them. As long as they are here legally, I don’t see any problem with