The Pros And Cons Of English Colonization Of America

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When English royalty began giving charters for the exploration of America, people had no idea what kinds of adversities they would face. While eager to obtain new land and sources of economic growth, many ignored the possible negative outcomes of exploration. English settlers would be forced to overcome human and environmental challenges that would make it difficult to establish and maintain permanent colonies in America from the time of Sir Walter Raleigh to the time of Opechancanough. When Sir Walter Raleigh organized the expedition to Roanoke, the primary reason to go to America was the possibility of establishing a profitable colony. The idea of mercantilism was spreading and the thought of having a new source for trade was an incentive to explore. Although Roanoke failed due to reasons that still remain a mystery today, establishing a lucrative colony would continue to be a worthy enough motive for the English to travel to the New World with minimal knowledge about it. This became evident as …show more content…

In turn, as more English began to arrive, Native Americans prevented English settlers from moving toward their land. Enclosed in a small area without the aid of the natives or the ability to hunt or grow their own food, the English went through a time of famine leading more settlers to die. As tensions increased the relationship between the English and Native Americans only worsened. For example, hoping to wipe out the Native American population, Sir Thomas Dale led many attacks against Chief Powhatan and his tribe, ultimately kidnapping Powhatan’s daughter Pocahontas. Although Powhatan eventually relinquished his efforts to attack the English, after Powhatan’s death his brother Opechancanough initiated a plan to eradicate the English. Once again the natives attacked the English in 1622 killing over 300 settlers before being forced to