
The Pros And Cons Of Free College

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We all want college to be more affordable for both students and parents alike.

Loan payment and tuition bills still affect those who been out of school for years by

putting some in debt because of the high payments. So the idea of making college free is

a very praised and sought after plan. But, like most plans of this magnitude tend to have

some things back fire. The idea of a free college education has some major drawbacks to

it, many of which affect both the federal government and hard-working citizens. Those

who are for a free college education tend to look over the negative effect it will bring.

And those who only focus on the negatives never truly see the value of it. Being neutral

in the situation allows us to talk …show more content…

Free college tuition will benefit the entire nation, not just

universities, colleges, students, adults returning to school, or the students family


Not everything positive comes from going to college for free. There are some negatives, whether that’s negatives for you or negatives for the college. First, the money has to come from somewhere (Luebke). Having free college will just raise the taxes of the upper class and middle class very substantially. Second, college is something you work for and is not just handed to you. If we let people go to college for free then they won’t care as much and just give up, but if we make people pay then they will not just want to throw away money and work as hard as they can. Lastly, if college was free then more and more people would go to college and there will not be enough jobs available for those people (Luebke). One might argue that free college is good and another might disagree completely.

Like wise vise versa, one might agree that free college is bad and one might disagree.

Secondary education is free thus college should also be free (“Should College Be Free?

Pros, Cons, and Alternatives”). This should be the case because it is challenging one

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