The Pros And Cons Of Gene Patents

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Spare a thought for the environment
Society is outraged by patents involving humans and animals based on morality, but what of the environment? No ne should be allowed to pollute the environment with waste resulting from the said experiments. Especially in this day and age where climate change is decimating the world, we can never know what damage to the environment illegal experiments might do. In Article 36 in the European Biotechnology Directive, inventions that cause ‘serious prejudice to the environment’ are excluded from patentability, but this does not directly relate to gene patents.
Naturally occurring subject matter is not eligible
There is global agreement with Article 4 of the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, passed by the UNESCO General Assembly in 1997, and adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1998, …show more content…

There has been controversy over the claims made for some patents, for example, Myriad Genetics patents over the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes . Myriad has used its patents to attempt to limit any other company from conducting breast cancer gene tests for these two genes, and they cover both genes and proteins and are claiming to cover the modes of action of the genes as well. This issue has faced strong criticism , on the grounds of morality
Patent regulation provides numerous examples of how policy decisions have consequences that run counter to what was intended by the makers or supporters of those decisions, most the time they’re intended with a good cause in mind but up otherwise. One reason stems from the fact that when powerful and organized business interests consider that a new reform hinders their opportunities and they are unable to influence policy makers, interests (Myriad). They may achieve this through alternative legal means or by the adoption of new