
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Therapy

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Genetic Therapy Amongst Humans: The Negatives

Researchers have been able to advance technology and medicinal treatment to the point where disease and illness can be completely eradicated from developing. Genetic therapy, a treatment that involves removing mutated genes and replacing them with healthy strands of genes, is a relatively new technique that can be used to prevent and treat disease. Although gene therapy seems like a promising option, genetic therapy is unethical, risky, and would create

further divide amongst the wealthy and the poor.

Genetic therapy is unethical in the fact that it would further contribute to the unhealthy, eugenic society of the world.“It may be that the eugenic impulse is so deeply embedded in U.S. culture that we don’t even recognize it. As early as 1909, Indiana passed eugenic compulsory sterilization, a law infamously upheld by the Supreme Court in an opinion that concluded by saying “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” (Camosy). Genetic therapy raises an …show more content…

As stated in an article, “this treatment therapy may possibly be for the rich only, and could make the rich more richer and the poor more poorer, indefinitely.” (Occupy Theory) Genetic therapy is such a unique and innovative treatment, that it is likely that many will never be able to afford its usage and benefits. This type of medicine would only be available to the economically wealthiest in society, and by having one group take advantage of such an upper hand, this would create a two tiered society split between the norm and disadvantaged. In such a society, the poor would face insurmountable genetic disadvantages to their genetically enhanced peers. A society like this would cause turmoil, as societal hierarchies would be so divided, one would essentially rule over the other by being so gifted

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