The Pros And Cons Of Gerrymandering

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To Gerrymander something is to manipulate the boundaries of a district to favor one party or class. The information used to choose how to manipulate districts is by census data which means district lines are usually redrawn every 10 years. Is gerrymandering a fair practice? Political parties that are currently in power would say that it is fair because gerrymandering the district lines that are drawn are reviewed by a judge and then made into districts that way. So that means it follows the proper system to do so. But, if you were in the same district and opposed the current political party, you might say that gerrymandering is unfair because they give the current party in power an advantage. It gives them an advantage because they are the ones that author the redrawing of districts. …show more content…

The party that is in office might say no, gerrymandering is not cheating because it isn’t always a safe bet that the party majority in that district will win. On the opposing side, they say that it would seem to take advantage and abuse the use of voter’s census information to manipulate districts. Are voters being manipulated into voting for one party over another to change districts? “The conditions under which election ballots are cast and counted—from registration to voting equipment, ballot design, polling locations, voter ID requirements, absentee ballots and early voting—are set in a very decentralized fashion and prey to political manipulation to advantage one party over the other.”
Parties that are winning elections by gerrymandering think It isn’t feasible to draw district lines perfectly, they are sometimes misshaped because of varying populations. The other side would argue that the districts aren’t representing the people if they are carefully constructed by the majority leader. They aren’t going to really represent the people they are going to represent the