The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Do you ever think about what would happen if the government confiscate many of our gun rights away? Do you ever feel threatened by this? Just imagine sitting in a movie theatre,restaurant, or anywhere else where you may spend your time. You are in that certain location happily, and a man with a gun walks in, what do you do? The government has already put a ban on concealed carry, we will have a hard time defending ourselves against the law breaking citizen choosing to illegally have a gun and attack us. This situation is at high probability because the government's ban on gun sales and concealed carry does not take away the guns from the individuals involved with illegal activity resulting in law abiding citizens feeling unprotected. Gun control is the government's regulation of selling, owning and use of guns, gun control can lead to ban of guns. If you put a ban on gun sales it can deny self defense and also it can deny individual’s safety. In a study done by the NRA, the national rifle association, stated that guns are used for self defense about 2.5 million times a year,meaning that if we take away …show more content…

John R. Lott Jr, gun rights activist states that “The problem with such laws is that they take away guns from law-abiding citizens, while would be criminals would ignore them. In the years 1982 and 2012 there were 62 mass shootings in the US, and out of the 62 shootings only 49 of the shooters used legally obtained guns. These records show that there are ways to get around gun laws and obtain guns illegally. Another study by PEW Research said that 80 percent of female gun owners and 79 percent of male gun owners said that owning a gun made them feel safer, many Americans are concerned about their safety. Many Americans got their feeling of safety taken away from them and many will try and retrieve it