The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun control may seem great but the more you look into it the more it seems pointless. Gun control is pointless due to the fact that criminals will always find a way around the law. Countless times around the world they have attempted gun control with no success. This is because criminals don't follow the law therefore the responsible gun owners are getting screwed over.

Gun control may seem like a good idea but if we look at history it doesn't really work that well. In 1996 after a mass shooting Australia passed a gun control law, the country’s new gun laws prohibited private sales, required that all weapons be individually registered to their owners, and required that gun buyers present a “genuine reason” for needing the weapon at the time …show more content…

According to the Interior Department, Mexico’s homicide rate this past year equated with 20.5 murders per 100,000 residents; in 2011, that figure was 19.4.
Don't get me wrong mexico and the United States are in different situations, i know that but if we talk about gun control the U.S could do the same as mexico and make the decision of having gun control a very broad choice. According to statista: ( Currently in the United States there are over 270 million guns how will gun control avoid one of those guns to get in the wrong hands, Sadly they cant. Gun control is pointless due to the fact that criminals will always find a way around the law. There is a correlation between Mexico the United States and Australia, criminals are the ones causing trouble and they obtain their guns illegally so let's take this step by step and Not Have Instant Gun control. The United States has been working towards a gun safe environment, lately there have been more intense background checks and they took away bump stocks these little things will help the United States even if it’s on the long