The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants

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Nativists are native born citizens who are against immigrants coming to the United States in the 1800’s. Immigrants are taking all of the nativists jobs, leaving the people who are actually born as US citizens with nothing increasing poverty. Many diseases were brought to the United States, along with the immigrants, affecting thousands of citizens. New immigrants are coming to the country with new ideals, invading the main religious ideas with their catholicism, forcing it upon the people. Immigrants affect the American citizens in many negative ways, taking away many of the citizens opportunities and hopes, giving in things such as poverty and disease.

Most immigrants go to the United States looking for jobs, although when they do this they take the citizens jobs, increasing poverty. Since there are a lot of people who are arriving illegally, they are looking for cheap labor, taking many good and bad jobs that could be taken by citizens. Instead of paying 20 dollars for legal citizens, business owners pay immigrants 5 dollars for the same job. Although this could be good for the business, it is still unfair, and the job could be poorly done, costing the business even more. These wages should be controlled, because this is disadvantageous for the country’s prosperity. Even though the loss of jobs is a big problem, diseases brought are worse and bring even more damage. …show more content…

Measles killed one fifth of Hawaii’s and Fiji’s population by the 1850. In 1890, 200 cases of Typhus appeared in New York, mainly brought by Russian Jews. Even though there are many cases of this, the mayors and government should be even more careful of who they let it in or not. This is a big problem, because US citizens are dying and it is all because of the new diseases brought. The diseases brought caused a lot of danger, but the new ideals that were brought were also very dangerous and