The Pros And Cons Of Immigration

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It is hard to imagine a country without legal or illegal immigrants. They are extremely beneficial to our economy but many people believe they are a danger to society. Citizens believe immigrants are criminals and have come to this country to steal jobs from Americans. As a result of this fear, people want stricter immigration laws or to remove immigrants from our country. Due to evidence I have found, we shouldn’t be kicking immigrants out because they aren’t all criminals, they help our economy, and any type of wall or stricter laws wouldn’t work. America simply wouldn’t be the same without immigrants who bring certain creative skills to our society. They do the jobs that Americans deem themselves too good for, “Supporters discount these …show more content…

President Trump is demanding a wall to be built along the U.S. and Mexico border, but the fact that the wall wouldn’t work and there are other methods of border patrol can be supported. Trump wants a wall to be built even though the border is constantly monitored by border patrol, or at least they should be. “In theory, a Border Patrol agent is to be stationed near the opening to deter or catch intruders. Ladd says the gates are frequently left unguarded.”(Richey) The borders are constantly left unpatrolled so maybe the reason there are so many illegal immigrants is because border patrol doesn’t feel like doing there job. "If you patrol the border properly, you don't need a wall," says Ladd, who fully looks the part of an Arizona cattle rancher with his drooping mustache and bone-white cowboy hat. A wall can help, Ladd acknowledges, but it is boots on the ground that get the job done.”(Richey) We shouldn’t be worrying about a wall when we have problems with the men securing our borders. We should focus on all methods of border patrol because a wall can’t be the only thing that keeps immigrants out of our country. Although the border patrol itself has problems, many locals living near the border argue Trumps wall will do absolutely nothing. “”It got to the point where you'd start in the morning at Naco and go west, and by the time you reached the river [11 miles away] it was already cut [again],’ he says. ‘They would cut the wire, drive over it, run over it, stomp it, whatever.’...Ladd says a powerful saw could be used to do the same thing to Trump's proposed concrete wall.”(Richey) Ladd, who lives on his ranch near the border, states that Trump’s wall won’t work. He says immigrants have always found a way to go under, over, or through walls and Trumps wall won’t be any different. So since