
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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With people being able to infiltrate our borders, it raises a threat to our national security. An unprotected border allows drug smugglers, human traffickers, gangs, and even terrorists to potentially enter our country. Bringing such horrible things across borders only makes our country more dangerous. Many illegal immigrants serve as drug runners who smuggle narcotics and other illegal drugs into the United States. According to the US Treasury Department, the international drug trade is bringing in nearing $64 billion for cartels. The cash tends to flow south, though. With all this money backing the cartels, they will stop at nothing to transport their narcotics. Immigration and Customs agents from San Diego experience this dangerous world firsthand. They put of fences as an effort to keep out the drugs, but they kept coming in. Smugglers turned to the sea, underground tunnels, and ports. The cartels always seem to find their way around any obstacle in their path. That is what is so scary about this problem. The need for more border patrol …show more content…

Illegal immigration threatens national security and public safety. Sanctuary cities should be banned, so the federal immigration authorities are able to do their job with ease. Local authorities should enforce immigration laws as well. With the help of local authorities, illegals will be caught more often, and will cause a decrease in crime. We need to increase border security and make sure our law enforcement is able to detain and deport illegal immigrants with a criminal record. To stand by and do nothing is letting the problem persist. Illegal immigration is a topic that frightens Americans. Not knowing who is in our nation, and what their intentions are is scary. Without our knowledge, terrorists could enter this country will ill-intentions. A crackdown on illegal immigration will strengthen this country in all

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