Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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The United States of America is facing a huge controversy with immigration. Americans are divided, on how our government should handle this issue. Many believe we should open our borders to all, while others are concerned for the safety of themselves and their families. Although our country was famous for immigration, those today, who immigrate to America can pose hostile intent to our families and overall our great land. With this a being a high possibility, our government should verify all who chose to enter our country, those who enter America illegally should be deported back to their place of origin, and no city should allow harboring of illegal immigrants.
Migration to what is known as America today began hundreds of years ago. Since the United States won the War of Independence, our country became widely diverse in ethnicity. Many of those who immigrated were looking for a freedom of religion and a prosperous place, to call home. Some of the first immigrants to America were slaves from Africa and Caribbean who were brought here by force (The Statue of Liberty). This action of bringing slaves to America forcibly brought the Naturalization Act of 1790, stating that it was only for "free white persons" (Kunnan 37). In 1812 immigration to America was slowed due to the War against …show more content…

This is just one small town in the country that tied illegal immigrants to poverty and crime. Poverty is already a major issue with just U.S. citizens, never the less having illegal immigration contributing to it. Many will argue saying that not all illegal immigrants are violent, this is very true. However, if you have non-violent immigrants migrating to America, the chances of violent criminals following the same path are extremely high. Essential providing a highway that allows good and evil into our