
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Alien

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Illegal Aliens

With the 2016 election decided the United States will go through some major changes. We have all heard that the most popular but controversial saying “build a wall!” Leaving the U.S. split between the hard core americans who were born and raised here against the illegal aliens who walked over thinking that we owe them something. From pushing them out of the way, to them not knowing our language and getting mad when we don’t know theirs. More and more illegal aliens are coming into our country each and everyday thinking that they can get all of the same opportunities that United States legal residents have. Illegal aliens should not be allowed to work, attend school or get health care in the U.S. A little girl goes walks into her classroom and start her education for the day.One problem the teacher has to stop every five mintes to try to explain the lesson to the child that doesn't speak any english. We are hurting our own children by letting these kids go to school by taking the learning time away from our kids just so they can get caught up. “According to the Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, 6.9 percent of K-12 students had parents of illegal immigrants in 2012” (Strauss) These people are bringing …show more content…

Why can’t he find hard labor work anywhere? One reason most hard laid jobs are taken by illegal immigrants. “One recent estimate by researchers at the Pew Hispanic Center puts the number of illegal aliens in the workforce at 8 million out of an overall population of 11.2 million illegal aliens” (Passel) Eight millions jobs taken from our people who work everyday to feed their family and our U.S. legal residents. The United States has always been the strongest country in the world no matter the ups for downs but if we can not pay our own residents to build and start a family how can we expect them to make this country even

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