The Pros And Cons Of Immigration In The United States

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Immigration played a very important role in American history and is perhaps is one of the greatest controversial issues of our present time. There are many sides of immigration and no matter, where you are from. Most immigrants lead lives that the rest of us only read about in books. Immigration has lasted for many decades. Immigrants come to The United States from all over the world. Most of them come for many reasons such as gain a better or higher education. Some come because they have nothing, and only want to be able to survive. This is especially true for Mexican immigrants because of their country poverty. Most immigrants from Mexico in California (37 percent), Texas (21 percent), and Illinois (6 percent). The top four …show more content…

Immigration to the United States is based upon the following principles: the reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity. This fact sheet provides basic information about how the U.S. legal immigration system is designed. (American immigration Council) There are many ways to immigrate to the US, and each way of immigration has a different timeline. If you are the immediate relative of a US citizen, for example, you may be able to secure a green card relatively quickly. This is because there are no limits on the number of immediate relatives who can receive green cards. Immigration generally also improves the government’s fiscal situation, as many immigrants pay more in taxes over a lifetime than they consume in government services. However, native-born residents of states with large concentrations of less-educated immigrants may face larger tax burdens, as these immigrants pay less in taxes and are more likely to send children to public …show more content…

Have to learn a whole new language just coming to this country. Even more hard when you don’t have a green card or your papers. For you to get a decent job here you have to have those things or you won’t get the job. By them just crossing the border they are just terrified to do anything here because they know they can get caught doing anything. Well anything you aren’t supposed to be doing. Like getting pulled over and not having your driver's license is one of the most common ones here in The United States. Most immigrants here don’t get caught because they just do safe things and stuff they know they won’t get caught