The Pros And Cons Of Immigration To The United States

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For many years thousands of immigrants, legally and illegally, from around the world come to the United States. They all have different means, and many believe that coming to America is the best place to be apart from their country. How does immigration cause problems? There is definitely a dilemma with the immigrants since it is already quite difficult to get a job. One of the most major to why people in general are homeless is due to psychological issues. Homelessness can significantly decrease if the issue of immigration was resolved. Houses are not being bought on the market. Laura’s Law court ordered assisted outpatient treatment. Over 100 students are considered homeless and those that disapprove of immigration may argue that if we cannot take care of our own people then there is no point in playing the part of police officer's for the world. 6,500 homeless children are being collected due to families psychological issues but that is just in America. If children are our future then why are we not letting in scared families enter our society? They are already use to destruction and chaos and they know that in the United States there are much more opportunities. To many like myself immigration represents GOOD, yet there is definitely the underlying BAD and UGLY side.
"The immigration officials arrived at my house and …show more content…

Many support the attempt to legalize illegal “aliens”. One person in particular countered by stating that, “Central American countries are not at war, and violence has always been a part of their nations, and perhaps even their culture.” A culture is the belief or customs in a particular system, with the growing drug business in Central America others assume that their nation strives specifically off of that. A nation is built through bonding communities and in some southern states the damage is so bad that people feel this urge to