The Pros And Cons Of Law Enforcement Cameras

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Do you feel safe with law enforcement cameras? Law enforcements have had cameras for many decades, they are put up in banks, stores, and courthouses. However, as time goes on law enforcers are putting cameras on the streets. Therefore, law enforcement cameras help reduce crime rates. When law enforcements started to put up cameras, law enforcements have noticed that the crime rates have been going down. For example, The New York Police Department has reported a 30% drop in crime in a tough neighborhood in the Bronx when the cameras was installed. In addition, recent statistics provided by U.S. police departments have claimed the following drops in crime rates: Baltimore went down 17%, New York housing projects has gone down 36%, and Philadelphia went down 37%. …show more content…

Biometrics databases in the U.S. are still separated, some are scattered across various federal and local government agencies, connecting them will take time and a lot of money. The FBI is in the process of making its own facial-recognition database the government is working with state DMVs to access photos. For example, after London’s systems, New York’s Lower Manhattan Security Initiative monitors 4,000 cameras and people’s license plates that read south of Canal Street. The project uses feeds from both private and public security cameras, which are all monitored 24 hours a day by the NYPD. Some will argue that law enforcement cameras invade people’s privacy because they watch everyone. For example, there is a chance the government could abuse people’s personal information that they collect. However, the government collects personal information and watches everyone to keep bad things from happening Also, by doing that it can keep people