The Pros And Cons Of Living In The United States

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The United States has many qualities that are great about it but also has many qualities that are corrupting it. Not everyone in the U.S. lives the life that they have always dreamt of. Most people have challenges that are set in front of them. Throughout the United States, weight is a huge problem that all starts with a child. A child that does not know better and just eats whatever their parents feed them. Some women have to go to work in order to support their family but only get paid half of what their male co-workers get each paycheck. What’s even worse, male or female, is not having a job from getting laid off or having disabilities and not being able to support their family. Children pick up on every little detail and can tell when they are different. People who have it all and don't struggle one bit have no clue what is happening to the average family these days. Helping the people who are struggling will always get you farther in life. The majority of individuals living in America have a cell phone that is attached to them 24/7. People don't realize the dangers they are causing whenever they get …show more content…

This makes no time for dinner. Making a homemade meal for the whole family to sit down and eat takes time. Fast food restaurants are usually open all hours of the day and are easier to pick up on the way home from work right before they have to run right out the door again. Right after work ends is usually when extracurricular activities take place like soccer practice or piano lessons. As time goes on, parents get tired and all they want to do is sleep after work. Some children pick up these habits from a parent and decide sports or hobbies aren't for them anymore. This is where obesity comes in at. With so much free time now after work, parents still feel the need to pick up fast food in order to have more time for themselves and not have to fight with a child on what they want to