
The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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Marijuana: Medicinal or Leisure Purposes Yes, we are talking about Marijuana, legal in five of the United States but, illegal by federal law. It appears that even the federal government and the state government have different opinions and cannot concur. Even medical professionals around the world cannot agree to legalize marijuana. Pros and cons of a plant: A plant from a seed that anyone could grow, in their backyard and depending on where you lived, you could actually go to jail for it. The statistics of deaths caused by marijuana in one article claim zero, while another’s claim is staggering. Is smoking a joint to chill out after a long day as bad as having a glass of wine or beer? I didn’t research that. However my personal …show more content…

It comes down to this: If there’s demand, there must be supply, where there’s supply, there’s money. And who has their hand out first? Our Federal Government. Yes, I do believe Uncle Sam gets the “cream of the crop”; I am also certain that in all there are more naturalists on the face of the earth than pot-heads. Therefore, Uncle Sam can regulate that supply in demand and get the “cream of his crop”, while he sends Mr. Pot Head to …show more content…

Seriously, there are many people out there that really depend on what medicinal marijuana is doing for patients from elderly to an infant. You can say to your hippie friend or your Mr. Pot Head friend, you’ve come a long way in obtaining legalization, but again not all states are legal, and marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug according to the federal government. So please, do not make a mockery out of a medical card just so you can “smoke a doob bro” or “get out of a ticket” or ‘make some bank”. There are people out there that need medicinal marijuana to be more accessible than what it is currently. Medical marijuana is taking the pain away, reducing seizure in babies and children, it helps people all over the world medically in many ways. You want a real “buzz”? Try setting goals in your life and succeeding--now that’s a real buzz

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