The Pros And Cons Of Me Too By Tara Burke

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Me too is a movement started by Tarana Burke in 2006 who wanted women to feel safe and be able to tell their stories than in 2017 Alyssa Milano shared a tweet"If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'Me too.' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” That got popular and then she later realized that someone else had also said the same thing but some years earlier about the same movement. Then later on in 2017 when women wrote and charged Harvey Weinstein of harassment. Jessicka Adam´s was the first woman to come out with the fact that another musician Jeordie White, she accused him of rape, domestic violence, and verbal abuse.

#MeToo, in my opinion, can have pros and cons. Pros is that people that have been through this can tell the world about the person and let …show more content…

There are many pros to being open about it because it is also a way to heal from it and put in the past so that you can be able to move past it, when you decide to put it out on the internet there may be people that say you are lying when you say that a famous person harassed you. But there could also be people that will stand by you while you tell your story. The are many cons to putting your personal life on the internet for