The Pros And Cons Of NAFTA

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While the abolishment of tariffs between the US and Canada is seen as one of main benefits granted by NAFTA, the FTA originally eliminated most barriers of trade between Canada and the US . NAFTA granted Canada access to the Mexican market and provided export opportunities for in financial and automobile sectors. While the US and Canada had planned for a thorough integration of the Mexican energy trade, they remained unable to break the monopoly of Mexico’s national oil company, Pemex (M. Angeles Villarreal & Ian F. Fergusson, 18). However, NAFTA nonetheless allowed for a greater access to the Mexican energy sector. In 2015, the US was the largest investor in Canada with a total stock of Foreign Direct Investment totalling 325.9 billion whereas …show more content…

The original aim of Chapter 11 was to guarantee a fair and equitable trade of goods between the NAFTA countries (Sinclair, 2). Chapter 11 involves process of investor-state arbitration which allows investors of a signatory country to bring to trial another government of NAFTA on the grounds that the state has breached the agreement (Sinclair, 3). Chapter 11 is a significant piece of legislation as it is allows individuals for private individuals to bring a suit against a foreign government. The party to bring suit does not require to be a government and rather must be an individual investor or company. The chapter allows investors to bring proceedings against a government in an international tribunal. Any breach on obligations outlined in Chapter 11 can warrant investors to bring a suit. Once the breach has been established, the tribunal determines whether the investor is entitled to monetary compensations. Obligations outlined in Chapter 11 include the guarantee that NAFTA investors cannot be given unfavourable treatment compared to domestic investors (Sinclair, 3). Chapter 11 also states that investors must be treated with respect in accordance with standards of international law (Sinclair, 3). The third main obligation of chapter 11 prevents NAFTA states from expropriating the investments of another NAFTA party without appropriate compensations (Sinclair,