The Pros And Cons Of NASA Migration

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A change or development in any given field of technology is pretty much unavoidable. The upgrades and the resistance to the change is a quite a common and a natural phenomenon in today’s world of fast paced advancements. All the development is seen in areas of the use of robotics. It’s being used all the way from an automobile manufacturing plant to very intense surgeries of human beings. So talking of these developments even the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is no different than the rest. The space communication of NASA is uniquely developed and designed by the following three networks such as Deep Space Network (DSN), Near Earth Network (NEN) and Space Network (SN). A great deal of work is being done in order to attain a great level of integration to achieve the best possible output. This process of integration is being done by The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program …show more content…

Most of the integration technologies have been descendants of NASA’s previous technology. Usually a lot of technological challenges are being faced by all the three systems. But it has always been considered that it’s not really an impossible task to overcome these tasks. Ironically all these three systems provide the same kind of services. The main problems came into the picture because of the differences in the systems. Because each system had to satisfy the mission’s requirement irrespective of their integration pattern.
The cultural challenges have also had a key role to play in the process of resolving problems of integration of networks. Cultural differences between the networks have taken place because of the networks “growing up” individually. Even the lack of ability to adapt to the ever changing world of technical development has been very instrumental in this