The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Power Plants

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Have you ever wondered how nuclear power plants work? Nuclear power plants are unlike others. Fission and fusion are two different ways radioactivity is produced. Boiling and pressurized water reactors are the two most common known nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors are designed with safety as the most important feature. Nuclear power is the world’s most efficient source of electricity.
Nuclear power plants are unique. Other power plants use coal, oil, or natural gas to create heat that creates steam. That steam turns a turbine, which creates electricity. A nuclear power plant has the same process, but creates the steam a different way. Nuclear power plants creates heat from a chain reaction also known as fission. Nuclear power plants commonly use 235U and 239Pu. Fission and fusion are opposites. Fission is the process of breaking down large atoms, while fusion is the process of building up smaller atoms. In fission, a lot of energy is released when split. If that energy is released slowly and controlled, it can be used to make electricity to powers homes. If the energy is released altogether, a chain reaction occurs creating a nuclear explosion. In fusion, two small nuclei join to make a larger more stable nucleus. …show more content…

In a boiling water reactor, the heat from fission causes the water to boil. That boiling water produces steam which then drives a turbine. The steam is converted back to water and returned to the reactor core. To prevent overheating, control rods are inserted in a nuclear fuel bundle. The control rods are made out of a metal that absorb small atomic particles. If the operator wants more heat, the control rods are raised out of the bundle. If the operator wants less heat he does the opposite. If the control rods are lowered completely, the reactor shuts down. Reactors are shut down incase of an accident/ emergency or to refuel the