The Pros And Cons Of Obeying Medical Treatment Of Their Children

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For some parents, the thought of refusing medical help or treatment of their child has never crossed their minds, but for other parents this could be something that they are always thinking about. People in general tend not to think about this until they or their child is in the moment of needing treatment or help. There can be many instances where parents would find themselves in the situation of refusing medical treatment, some just cannot afford it, others it could be a risk of being able to live through the surgery, some can deny the diagnosis therefore not want the treatment, and others will refuse treatment because of religious beliefs. There are many factors that come into play when medical treatment is refused especially in terms of children. I feel that there should be a federal law stating that parents should not be allowed to refuse medical treatment of their child.

In a medical setting doctors, nurses, surgeons, and others will present the patient, or parent or guardian if the patient is under eighteen, with the course of treatment these medical professionals, after going through the patient’s medical history, and current condition, they will make a decision that they think suits the patient the best way possible. Patients are allowed to ask as many questions and require as much information as they want about the treatment …show more content…

Some treatments are considered like or death and a parent should not refuse that for any reason because then their child will not succeed and grow up. The parents should consider their options very carefully and thoughtfully (Conflicts 2013). When a child is born the parents think to their future and they want their child to succeed with a bright future. For this to happen if the child gets sick the parents should not refuse the treatment (Wardle 2015). The child’s future and their future choices should be protected (Conflicts

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