The Pros And Cons Of Paid Parental Leave

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Until men are raising children as much as women are women won 't be able to equal in the workplace and we are so behind as a nation, in terms of flexible work patterns and parental leave(Gloria Steinem).The us does not provide paid parental control and is behind as a nation paid parental control is when women get paid a portion of their check from work when they leave work to take care of a newborn child.Paid parental leave should be a state requirement to all countries and every woman should at least get 50% of their paycheck. The economy can grow in many ways and eventually catch up to other countries,new parents financially can be jovial returning to the workspace. New parents intuitively are more likely to return to the workspace after taking paid maternity in this instance the economy overall receives a productivity boost from paid parental leave policies.the economy in years will grow stronger because these women will work harder and drive in more income so paid parental control is well indeed needed in the us. A study from Rutgers university states that women are 39 percent less likely to receive public assistance and 40 percent less likely to receive food stamps …show more content…

The Institute for the Study of Labor correlated higher education and income levels to children whose mothers were afforded and took their paid maternity leave. Children will have more influence around them to educate and have good social stability which will in years help the economy A separate study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research similarly found that “paid leave increases the likelihood that workers will return to work after childbirth, improves employee morale, has no or positive effects on workplace productivity, reduces costs to employers through improved employee retention, and improves family incomes.” Ppl will increase income the children 's lives and people will work harder faster and stronger to get work