The Pros And Cons Of Puerto Rican Migration To The United States

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In 1917, the U.S. Congress passed the Jones-Shafroth Act, which grants the U.S. living in a country you were born in, or having the same rights in a country as someone who was born there to anyone born on the island. (Being a citizen of the United State and lawfully being apart of the state, Puerto Ricans have the ability to freely travel, they also have the ability to move to the mainlands without a visa nor a pas`sport. Puerto Ricans traveling to the US are similar to New Yorkers crossing into New Jersey or flying to Hawaii). As U.S. people who lawfully live in a country, state, etc., Puerto Ricans receive many of the same money-based benefits, and things you owe/things you're responsible for/disadvantages, of their mainland partners. They