The Pros And Cons Of Migration To The United States

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About sixty-eight million immigrants have been added to the United States since 1970, and it is estimated that 130 million people will be added over the next fifty years ( Every year hundreds people from around the world migrate to the United States and leave their homeland. People that immigrate to the United States have many different motivations. Some immigrant move to the USA hoping for having chance for better life; others are refugees that escaped from civil war in their home country, or any difficulties that led them to immigrate. Many people all around the world believe the United States is best place to live. There is more freedom, protection, and benefits, which are important issues for immigrants. However many of migrants or Native American born people are suffering to live in the United States. As person that migrated to the United States recently; learning language, finding job and education are some of difficulties that I faced when …show more content…

THE CHALLENGES immigrants face in finding jobs have to do with not just the job skills. They have many different difficulties like language and communication and sometimes they do not know how to start the process. Some of immigrants finish their education on their homeland and had their degree, however it is harder for them to find job. Because most of time they do not accept the degree or the job required entrance exam. I have friend that she was nurse in Iran and she hard work experience more than 5 years. But when shoe moved to the USA they did not accept her degree so she could not work or even continue her studies. It is very hard for her because she had experience and knowledge but they did not accept the degree because some Iran universities are not abet for US. Therefore she started from the beginning. Most of immigrant give up in this complicated process and forgot their degree, and they start from beginning or go to simple