The Pros And Cons Of Racial Profiling

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How often have you immediately made a decision about someone based solely on the color of their skin? Since the September 11 bombing, numerous people have been targeted by police because of their skin tone. This is called racial profiling, it has become a major problem that many in this country must deal with daily (ACLU, 2017). Even though this is very unconstitutional, implementing a change can be very challenging. Later, I will be telling you about some individual’s stories of racial profiling, why this is ongoing even though its unconstitutional and how iron triangles may impact racial profiling. Shoshanna was an American born, Arab-Jewish woman who was sitting on a plane waiting to get off when law enforcement suddenly boarded and ushered …show more content…

Often there is a stigma related to some races, for example that African Americans are more likely to commit a crime or that Arabian people are terrorist. Racial profiling was intended to be used to lower crime rates and save more lives, but only targeting these certain races has not been very effective. Instead it causes more problems to arise it has caused some to not trust the police, and more of a divide to happen. In New York there was a stop and frisk policy. They would stop minorities without probable cause, only because they looked suspicious, but had they been of another color they wouldn’t have bothered to stop them (Goldstein, 2013). They would then search them, even though this is clearly a violation of their fourth and fourteenth amendments (Goldstein, …show more content…

Some of these groups and agencies may help make it possible for racial profiling to happen more often because the policies aren’t in place or aren’t regulated and enforced. Some federal departments do not see how this could raise a problem because to them it is working, the crime rate is going down, so they are more for it (Goldstein, 2013). Iron triangles are sometimes for the general population, but often they are more for the groups that they represent, or who pays the most money (Albert Blog, 2016). So often what would be best for the people is overlooked (Albert Blog, 2016). Today many people are faced with being harassed because of their race or religion. It doesn’t matter if you are rich, poor, or famous. Racial profiling continues with the intention of lowering crime rates although it is unconstitutional and has negatively impacted our trust of the justice system. Iron triangle can affect racial profiling by creating, regulating, and enforcing policies.