The Pros And Cons Of Supermax Prisons

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In this paper, I will discuss prison issues as well as concerns of inmates in supermax prisons.


There are numerous issues in corrections that have led to controversies and divided opinions on how to approach them (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2015). Such issues include prison overcrowding, privatization, attention to prisoners’ rights, capital punishments, and juvenile offenders. Of course, some of the issues have raised more attention and controversy than others, for example, capital punishment is now hotly debated and challenged while the issue of privatization of the correction industry is coming under scrutiny despite the dependency on the government on the private sector.

The private sector has come under use by prisons for the provision of services such as medical and healthcare, vocational and educational programming, facility maintenance and food preparation (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2015). While such services do not often raise controversy the idea of the government's, handing over control of the punishment system to the private industry is one of the most controversial issues facing the nation. In addition, some of the private prisons have been critiqued for failing to address the rehabilitation aspect of the corrections system. In fact, the UK Prime …show more content…

The prison industrial complex is the notion that the increasing prisons and their expansions mean that the states and governments will focus on incarceration. Furthermore, rural counties such as Del Norte, California welcome such projects as means to lift their unemployment rate which in turn secures their need to imprison more people and for