The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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What is the Atomic Bomb?
What is the atomic bomb and is it good or bad or is it both this will be answered in this passage It can be used for good or bad intentions. The invention was made by Robert Oppenheimer in Los Alamos New Mexico as a secret project under the code name “the Manhattan Project.” This shows how the bomb works “Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of a heavy atom into smaller pieces, which releases gigantic amounts of energy” (Daniel J). This shows how the massive explosion is caused by extreme heat and pressure. which allows for immense damage to where is hits and blows up and it can kill but is can also stop killing.
Then the first combat test came on August 6th, 1945, at 8:15 am in Hiroshima Japan the “Little Boy” was launched and instantly killed 70- 80’000 people. Later it would vertex at 135’000. Due to people dying of radiation poisoning. Then the second one was launched called “Fat Man” another 60-80’000 will soon die in Nagasaki. This catastrophic damage was enough to stop the Japanese from invading China and attacking the USA anymore. (And two peace bridges at the park were sculpted by the American artist Isama Noguchi. Millions of paper cranes, the Japanese symbol for longevity …show more content…

At this time both sides of the two dominions of countries had nuclear power on their side, and they loathe each other’s ideologies and the Soviet Union. Wanted to spread the idea of communism to the world but the U.S.A did not want their way of living, so they menace to us the atomic bomb is they tried to invade. That show that the atomic bomb stopped a potential invasion from Russia. nevertheless president gorge H.W Bush said, “By the grace of God, America won the Cold War.” his say that after the cold war President a George H.W. Bush was thankful for winning the war because the U.S bombs was one of the only things that come to an end of the USSR from

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