The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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The death penalty happen in all different type of states. In every state that retains the death penalty, jurors have the option of sentencing convicted capital murderers to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The sentence is cheaper to tax-payers and keeps violent offenders off the streets for good. Death penalties mostly consist of various forms of murder such as murder commited during a drug related drive by shooting, murder during kidnapping, murder for hire, and genocide. During the death penalty those who kill white peoples are more likely to be sentenced to die than those that kill African-Americans. When the death penalty is an option, the costs increase astronomically. Most people would be charged with capital crimes if death penalty has been …show more content…

Military, and U.S. Government were states that were dealing with the death penalty. Lethal injection were mostly occurred in most of the states above. Death penalty was authorized by 37 states, the Federal Government and the U.S. Military. The jurisdictions without death penalty included 13 states and the district of Columbia. (Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Innocent people has been convicted and executed. During the death penalt , racisms occurs during this simple because it is based on the number of sentences that person receive. Capital punishment does not matter against the religion because it goes against every religion. Life without parole is a sensible alternative to the death penalty. There are several ways to oppose the death