Persuasive Essay Pro Death Penalty

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Imagine every prisoner change their way of living and the whole world are actually living in harmony instead of cruelty. Many people died because of the crime and justice is the only answer that victims can provide as solution for the problem, but many times the innocent always deal with the consequences and imagine the damage of the crime can do in their lives. Also imagine what these inmates can do for the community instead of dying in the electric chairs. If everyone learn how to forgive and move on from the past and leave it as the lesson for their lifetime, many people will not committed crimes. This essay will explain why death penalty isn’t right for convict and what are the possible solutions.

On one hand, many people argue that the death penalty should be implemented in the whole United States. But many believe that death penalty shouldn’t be implemented here in the United States and I have an example why. For some people justice is more important and sometimes they want an eye for an eye situation on many big cases and if the convict found guilty, the state had to kill …show more content…

Some of them are getting set upped, get blamed on just because they are part of the crime or they have been compromised in the crime scene. And many of these convicts didn’t receive what they call “fair trial”, because some of us people today are bias and getting carried with the emotional part of the story, then get lost track of the rest. If we let them change and rejoin the society then we could possibly restore the humanity. By all that mean, there’s a lot of things they can do for the community and at the same time help themselves to get back into the right way of living. They could labor jobs for the government buildings, do a big performances that can make them noticeable and also famous or they could take a trainings for possible job they can do in or out of