Pro Death Penalty Persuasive Essay

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Siding with Warrants for Death Around the world today there are only about ten countries that still practice capital punishment (Criminal Justice); none of which appear on the 2017 Top Ten Highest Murder Rate Countries list by the Mesh News. This goes to show that if the heavy decision of if capital punishment should be embraced or not has entered the minds of many; who, most likely have pondered the effects and humanism of such power. To choose a side in the matter, there must be educated facts, expressed opinions, and a knowledge of both sides, pro and con. People who do not truly know about the death penalty will question why it is such an important controversial topic discussed; but to be genuinely knowledge of the topic would allow a …show more content…

It started out as stoning or banishment in the wilderness without food or water, but as time has progressed so has our method for this form of punishment. The more modern forms of killing the prisoners are lethal injection, electrocution, gas chambers, firing squad, and hanging (Death Penalty Information Center 1). When the decision has been made to preform the death penalty, there must be a choice on how and looking at the many ways, it does not always have to be one of the more barbaric labeled ways. The first capital punishment in America was the hanging of Captain George Kendall because he was thought to be a spy for Spain in the new world. The English were most notorious for the death penalty and brought that with them when they colonized America (Death Penalty Information Center …show more content…

Our responsibility is to be knowledge of certain things going on in the world. We should be ale to support our side as well a know the opposing side just as much as our own. Capital punishment right because it shows that we value human live, we discourage murder, makes people feel safe, is our responsibility to protect people, and follows God’s example. If we did not have a death penalty for murder, the murder rate would be much higher and without the heathy fear, people would do whatever they wanted without changing about anything the government tried to tell them. That would cause major issues for our country and most likely lead to our