The Pros And Cons Of The European Union

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After WWII the European nations had many problems; they didn’t have any official peace treaties, and their suffering economies made them more susceptible to war. In order to prevent war and the spread of communism, they created the EU which united the European nations in a powerful democracy, which countries must have a stable democracy, a strong economy, and protection in order to join. Laws in the EU are created by a legislature made up of three groups of a leader of a small country and the leader of a big country each body has a president. However the laws aren’t enforced by military or police forces, but there is a Court of Justice that upholds the laws. Today there is a debate of whether or not the EU is worth it. The EU nations are benefitted more than they are the cost because it makes the nations more economically competitive or successful, it provides peace and security for nations in the union, and creates diversity between countries and makes countries more tolerant of other nations. Although it can be stated that countries are experiencing a loss of culture due to the EU, the benefits of diversity and tolerant countries outweigh that possibility. The EU creates a population that is diverse and culturally tolerant, because members allow people from member nations to move freely across borders, and openly accepts migrants from countries across the world. The European Union creates peace and security by preventing a series of ongoing wars between members and