Ethical Issues In World War Essay

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At times, some scenarios make it seem impossible to find an equilibrium. They say that every action has an equal or opposite reaction, but what if that reaction does not match the action committed? Looking back at World War 1, it appears like one of those situations. The biggest and most significant feud in the Great War was between the Allied and Central powers. The Allied Powers consisted of Britain, Russia, and France while the Central powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The war was settled with a treaty called ‘Treaty of Versailles’, though it was not solved fairly. The Germans were still paying their reprimands decades after the war had ended due to ‘unethical’ war techniques, some may say this was well deserved, but the resolution to the Great War included unfairly distributed justice among the countries involved. What does unethical in …show more content…

If they did, the judgements would have been less biased and unfair. At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, German didn’t have the ability to voice their opinion. It is stated in the Why Did World War I Just End Article of the conference that “stripped Germany of its colonies overseas and the region of Alsace-Lorraine (now part of France), placed restrictions on its military and levied punitive damages for supposedly starting what was, at the time, the most destructive war the world had ever seen.” If Germany had a say, do you think that they would agree to these circumstances? When a judge is at a case and they are deciding who is guilty and what their punishment will be, they listen to both sides of the story. This wasn’t the case for the Paris Peace Conference. Courtrooms are regularly considered as fair and just environments, so why wouldn’t this be the scenario in the conference? Another disadvantage of the Germans having their voice taken away is that they were assigned almost if not all the blame of unethical fighting and the